The weather forecast for the 4th is looking great!
/Decorate and Celebrate!
During our Annual 4th of July Boat Parade!
Will you be one of the lucky owners of this fantastic Birch Lake Academy shirt? Be on or by the lake during the boat parade and you may be!
The Annual Birch Lake Association Fourth of July Boat Parade is a GO! A perfect way to remain physically distant and socially connected! As usual the parade will meet on Little Birch at the south side of the channel at 12:45 PM. We “plan” to go by the city dock at approximately 1:00 PM - give or take 15 minutes. This year’s theme is Celebrate Your School! In today’s extraordinary times so many graduates - both high school and college - missed out on traditional celebrations, we’d like to give them a chance to be honored at the lake! So deck out your boat or pontoon in school colors, grab those flags and pennants and graduation gowns! Let’s celebrate our schools and grads!! (If you don’t have a grad or a special school to celebrate it IS the Fourth of July)! See you on the lake!