Guest Speaker at the HUB in Hackensack May 25

GUEST SPEAKER: Jeff Forester, Executive Director of MN Lakes and Rivers Advocates (MLR) Association of Cass County Lakes (ACCL) Membership Meeting of 2018 on May 25 on 9:30 a.m. at The Hub (formerly the Senior Center) in Hackensack.
Learn about issues that affect your lake property and how MLR is using your membership dollars to carry our fight to the legislature. And, also a discussion on a civic organizing project Jeff is leading to help local lake associations build greater civic infrastructure around water in their communities.
@JeffForester1…. "If you care about Minnesota's lakes and rivers, join Minnesota Lakes and Rivers. They are concerned with keeping them clean and pristine." 
SAVE THE DATE…..Mark your calendar for these upcoming Monthly Membership meetings: June 29, July 27, August 31, and September 28
GUEST SPEAKER: Jeff Forester,
Executive Director of MN Lakes and Rivers Advocates (MLR)
RMB Environmental Labs will be available AFTER the meeting to distribute lake monitoring supplies.