Gov. Dayton's Water Summit to Provide Interactive On-Line Access

We Lobby for Lakes                                                                                                                                 

Gov. Dayton is determined to get public feedback on the state of water in Minnesota, and the direction that his administration will take in the next few years. Unfortunately, 750 people registered in a matter of hours, and many cold not attend. So in the spirit of inclusiveness, the Governor's office is providing an interactive web link to the event.

Yesterday, in this spirit, Governor Dayton's office announced that they will provide interactive on-line access for those that missed out on registering for the event. Below is a press release with all the details.

Now is our chance to make our collective voices heard.

Summit will convene broad group of stakeholders from across Minnesota to address water quality challenges in all regions of the state – both rural and urban.

 Online engagement tools will ensure all Minnesotans’ voices are heard on this crucial, statewide issue.

 ST. PAUL, MN – On Saturday, February 27, 2016, Governor Mark Dayton will host the first-ever Governor’s Water Summit at the InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront, to focus public attention on the serious challenges facing Minnesota’s water supplies – in both rural and urban areas of the state – and continue statewide dialogue around steps that must be taken to address those challenges. The summit will bring together water quality experts, farmers, legislators, regulators, the business community, members of the public, local leaders, and a wide variety of other stakeholders.

 An agenda and additional details on the summit are included below.

 Online Resources

To ensure that all Minnesotans’ voices are able to engage with this important, statewide issue, the Governor’s Water Summit will make a number of resources available online to all interested stakeholders and other interested members of the public. Links to all of these resources will be available from the homepage of the Governor’s website by Friday, February 26, 2016.


Thanks to the generous support of the InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront, the opening remarks from Governor Mark Dayton (9:00 am – 9:30 am) and the Water, Business and Stewardship Panel (1:00 pm – 2:00 pm) will be available via a web-based live-stream. The link to that web- stream will be available from the homepage of the Governor’s website by Friday, February 26, 2016.

 Public Forum

As part of the Governor’s Water Summit, interested individuals – those attending the summit as well as those who are not – are encouraged to participate in an online forum, where Minnesotans will be able to submit ideas and vote on proposed solutions regarding the state’s water quality challenges. A link to that online, public forum will be available from the homepage of the Governor’s website by Friday, February 26, 2016.

 Governor’s Water Survey

To ensure that all Minnesotans’ voices are heard on this important, statewide issue, stakeholders and other interested members of the public are also encouraged to take this online survey, launched in conjunction with the Governor’s Water Summit, regardless of whether they plan to attend the summit. The information and input gathered from this survey will help inform the Administration and Legislature on Minnesota’s water quality challenges and possible solutions.

 Governor’s Water Summit Agenda

 8:00 am – 9:00 am          Registration

  9:00 am – 9:30 am          Welcome and Remarks from Governor Mark                                                 Dayton (Ballroom)

  9:45 am – 10:55 am         Breakout Session

 11:10 am – 12:20 pm           Breakout Session

 12:20 pm – 1:00 pm           Lunch

  1:00 pm – 2:00 pm           Water, Business and Stewardship Panel (Ballroom)

Lieutenant Governor Tina Smith will lead a discussion on the role of Minnesota’s business community in addressing the state’s water challenges. The panel features:

·        George Barclay - Dow Water and Process Solutions

·        Anita Foster - The Mosaic Company

·        Ryan P. Godfrey PhD - Tonka Water

·        Raj V. Rajan, PhD, PE - Ecolab

·        Philip M. Rolchigo, PhD - Pentair

  2:00 pm – 2:30 pm          Wrap-up and closing remarks

 Breakout Session Topics and Rooms

 • Aquatic Invasive Species (Kellogg 1)

The spread of Aquatic Invasive Species through our lakes and rivers has a devastating impact on natural aquatic life. Stopping it will require behavioral changes and adequate penalties for offenders. Infested waters need ongoing research and the best available technology to clean them up.

 • Challenges Facing Minnesota’s Iconic Waters (Governor’s 2)

Whether it’s Lake Superior, the Mississippi River, or the Boundary Waters, Minnesotans take pride in our iconic waters. How can we protect these special places for future generations?

 • Ensure Minnesota is Resilient to Extreme Weather (State 1)

Heavy rainfall and floods are increasing in Minnesota as our climate changes, threatening our water quality, health, infrastructure, agriculture and transportation. Our water and landscape must be able to withstand these mounting pressures.

 • Sustaining Our Water Supplies (Governor’s 3)

Minnesotans can no longer take the abundance of fresh water for granted. We must take action to protect our water quantity and availability though efficiency and conservation practices.


• Water in the Urban and Built Environment (State 3)

When the rains come, it rinses our urban landscapes of contaminants, pollution, and sediment. How can we better manage stormwater runoff in our urban areas where rooftops and pavement speed polluted water to lakes and rivers?

 • Water & Wastewater Infrastructure (Governor’s 1)

Minnesota’s drinking water and wastewater infrastructure needs an estimated $11 billion in upgrades. How should the costs and responsibilities for current infrastructure needs and new regulations be balanced and affordable?

 • Water in the Rural Environment (Ballroom)

Water in Minnesota’s rural areas faces unique challenges as we balance economic development with the increased demand on our water, and as we manage potential pollutants. What strategies help us achieve these goals in a way that allows businesses to grow and thrive, while ensuring the protection of our water?

 • Living Cover (Governor’s 4)

Living cover is important to our landscape by holding water, filtering contaminants, protecting drinking water, and allowing water to recharge aquifers. We’ll explore ways to improve and expand living cover through the use of cover crops, perennial plant cover and other land practices.

 • Investing in Clean Water (Kellogg 1)

With the Legacy Amendment funds set to expire in 2034, it’s time for a close look at how to best maximize those funds to protect and restore Minnesota’s water. We also need a smart, balanced approach for utilizing public-private partnerships and other sources of funding to enhance the state’s investment.



Governor Mark Dayton

Lt. Governor Tina Smith

Cabinet members

Water quality experts, farmers, legislators, regulators, the business community, members of the public, local leaders, and other stakeholders


Governor Mark Dayton will convene the state’s first-ever Governor’s Water Summit to focus public attention on the state’s serious water quality challenges, and seek public input on solutions


9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Saturday, February 27, 2016


InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront

Lower Level

11 Kellogg Blvd E.

St. Paul, Minnesota

Jeff Forester
Executive Director
Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates (MLR)
Cell:  612-961-6144